In Britain, the Left Is Standing With Jeremy Corbyn

In Thursday’s general election, Jeremy Corbyn is defending his seat from a private health care boss backed by Keir Starmer’s Labour. The campaign is a fight over the Left’s most basic values — and has stirred an extraordinary activist turnout for Corbyn.

Stop Using Jews to Launder Marine Le Pen’s Image

France’s establishment increasingly presents “Islamo-leftists” as the number one source of antisemitism while whitewashing the far right. A French Jewish activist explains why it is dangerous to counterpose the defense of Jews to that of other minorities.


Jacobin is a leading voice of the American left, offering socialist perspectives on politics, economics, and culture.

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Release India’s Political Prisoners

Since reaching power, Narendra Modi’s Bharatiya Janata Party has jailed political critics using bogus terrorism and incitement charges. But an electoral setback for his party offers hope of change in India and a crack in his authoritarian Hindutva order.

Israel Is Kurd-Washing Its Crimes in Gaza

Faced with criticism of the war in Gaza, Israeli leaders cynically ask why the world worries about the Palestinians and not the Kurds. Israel’s supposed pro-Kurdish stance is empty posturing — and risks damaging the Kurdish fight for liberation.

The New Atheists had reactionary politics and a distorted view of science, but they owe their demise to a more fundamental flaw in their ideology: religion can’t explain all the world’s problems.

The Remaking of the American Right

When the Clock Broke offers a tour of the ’90s, from Klansmen strangled on talk shows to a drugged-up Bush Sr running for office. John Ganz also argues that the far right of the ’90s was a precursor to Trump, a claim reliant on distortions of past and present.